Started during April 2022 We are a Voluntary Organisation with a Public Charitable nature and mainly function to setup homes for Destitute, Physically challenged, Mentally retarded men, women and children and to do other social welfare activities.
Kuzhali General & Women Development Trust is a Social Welfare Organization
striving for the upliftment of the poor, down trodden, and under privileged in the society
irrespective of caste, creed or religion in the footsteps of the great Kuzhali General & Women Development Trust is accredited by UNO's Economic Social Council and World Health Organization
as a Special Status NGO.
Balasundharam is a Trustee with Kuzhali Trust and is an MBA graduate with 10 years of HR Management experience in HR & Marketing in Retail Sector. Interested in Social activities
European traders had established outposts in the Indian subcontinent by the 17th century. Through overwhelming military strength, the East India Company fought and annexed local kingdoms and establish
Every year, 27th February is observed as the World NGO day all over the world, Join with us to contribute for under poverty, Doing charity is a privilege.
International Womens Day (March 8) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women. The day also marks a call .
We believe that we can save more lifes with you.
Student Community by giving prizes and stipends to the Outstanding Students in sports and education.
Home for mentally ill women children and for aged abandoned destitute and physical challenged
Organizing relief camp, (Floods, Epidemics, Cyclone, Fire, Natural Disaster)
Drinking water for public place
Medical camp (Eye check-up, Health check-up benefit of the common public
Eye donation, Blood donation, Body part donation, HIV, Hepatitis, Cancer, Leprosy, Corona, among the youth and common public.
The Trust shall arrange drinking water, emergency medical facilities and engage it’s volunteers to regulate the crowd and help the public during important festivals and public gatherings with the prior permission of Local and District administrative authorities.
The Trust shall create awareness among the urban people and youths by conducting Period Lectures, Meetings, Conferences, Camps, Seminars and surveys on matters of Health, Agriculture, Education, Water Saving, Sanitation, Afforestation, Environment, Ecology, and Climate Change with the support of State/Central Government Organisations and other NGO’s working with similar goals.
The trust may also run Cultural and Martial Art Training centres and Educational, Technical institutions like Schools, Polytechnics, I.T.I’s, Paramedical Institutes, Tuition, Training & Coaching Centres in urban and rural areas.
The Trust shall conduct different Government/Non-Government approved and aided, Technical and Non-technical Short term/Long term programs for men and women.
The Trust shall organise relief camps and engage its volunteers to help the people in times of emergency occasions and general social disasters like floods, famines, epidemics, cyclone, fire and other natural or unnatural disasters.
The Trust shall conduct tree plantation and Awareness programmes to create awareness about Global Warming, Ground Water Protection, Rain Water Harvesting and Climate Change.
The trust may also run homes for mentally ill women, children and for the aged, abandoned, destitute and physically challenged.
The Trust shall Conduct Medical Camps like Eye check-up, Health check-up Camps for the benefit of the common public.
The Trust shall conduct awareness programs to create awareness about Eye donation, Blood donation and Body part donation among the youth and common public.
The Trust shall also conduct awareness programs about diseases like HIV, HEPATITIS, CANCER, Leprosy, Corona, etc., among the Common Public.
The Trust Shall implement various social welfare schemes with the help of Various Central and State Government’s Departments inland foreign institutions for the rural development.
The Trust shall Encourage the Student Community by giving prizes and stipends to the Outstanding Students in sports and education.
The Trust shall conduct road safety programs among the students and youths and common public to control accidental deaths.
The Trust shall organise awareness programs about drug abuse and alcohol and other narcotics among the student and youths.
The Trust shall also run family counselling and suicide prevention counselling centres with the support of other NGO’s in and abroad and with Government organisations .
The Trust shall raise funds through conducting cultural, music programmes and sports meets
The Trust shall raise its funds by purchase and selling the products manufactured by the women and men self groups organised and trained by the Trust.
The Trust shall raise its funds by receiving Donations, Contributions, Grants, Aids from Public, State/Central government departments, Firms & Organisations, Similar NGO’s and Other Agencies in and abroad.
By receiving Grants, Funds, Aids for Undertaking programs from Government and Non-Government Organisations and abroad.
By receiving Loans, Donations and Financial Assistance from Foreign Countries, Agencies and from Private Companies.
By Conducting Various Meetings, Puppet Shows, Dramas, Cultural Programs and Sports Meets.
By publishing Books, Periodicals, Magazines etc., By releasing Movies, Short films, Documentaries, Television Shows, etc.,
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Kuzhali General & Women Development Trust is a Social Welfare Organization striving for the upliftment of the poor, down trodden, and under privileged in the society irrespective of caste, creed or religion in the footsteps of the great Kuzhali General & Women Development Trust is accredited by UNOs Economic Social Council and World Health Organization as a Special Status NGO.
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Numerous indulged distance old law you. Total state as merit court green decay he. Steepest sex bachelor the may delicate its yourself. As he instantly on discovery concluded to. Open draw far pure miss felt say yet few sigh.
In this engaging 2-hour workshop, you will learn the fundamentals of embroidery and become familiar with a variety of basic stitches
Women in India consistently lag behind...
In this engaging 2-hour workshop, you will learn the fundamentals of embroidery and become familiar with a variety of basic stitches
India s youth faces serious problems and underemployment